
Etiquette Demystified: Navigating the World of Cookies Policy for Online Users

"The Website" -

"The Service Provider" -

"You" - the User of the Website

"Content" - all information of any kind (including profiles, posts, comments, blogs, chat, images, photos, audio, video, advertisements, messages, Reviews etc.), uploaded to our Service (including messages sent via our Service).

The Website is operated by The Service Provider.
Please review these terms carefully before using The Website. By using The Website, you are agreeing to these terms. If you do not accept these terms, do not use The Website.

Age Restriction: The Website is an adult website. If you are under the age of 18 years, or the age of majority in the location from where you are accessing this website, you must not use The Website.

Viewing Adult Content: The Website contains sexually explicit material and is intended solely for consenting adults who are interested in and not offended by adult subjects like escorts, prostitution and sex. You must not use The Website if you are offended by any of its content or if you are accessing it from a location where your use of it could be deemed a violation of any law.

Uploading Adult Content: You are responsible for your Content. You guarantee you have (and will retain) all rights and permissions needed to enable use of your Content as contemplated by the Website and these terms and conditions, especially those referring to rights of use, advertising and image, as well as ensuring you are not violating third party rights. When you upload any Content to this website, you hereby confirm that:

  • All persons depicted in the content are of legal age and that you have seen and hold a copy of identification and age verification documents.
  • All persons depicted in the content have consented to its production and you hold the necessary legal documents such as model release forms to prove this.
  • All persons depicted in the content have consented to its distribution and you hold the necessary legal documents such as model release forms to prove this.
  • All persons depicted in the content have consented to its ability to be downloaded and you hold the necessary legal documents such as model release forms to prove this.
  • That this content is not illegal and does not violate any other parts of our terms and conditions, terms of service or other agreements or contravenes any applicable or local laws and does not subject The Website to any claims, demands, lawsuits, regulatory actions or any actual, potential or risk of liability or threats thereof.

We may request copies of the documents listed in parts A-D above and failure to provide these documents within a reasonable time period will be a violation of these terms and conditions and will result in the content being removed and possible closure of your account. We will monitor through both automated and manual means all content including messages and comments for illegal content or content that violates our terms. We may edit, hide or remove any piece of content for any reason at any time.

  • Non-consensual sexual behavior (any form of sexual interaction that does not have explicit consent)
  • Sexual exploitation of a minor (nudity or sexual display (both real and simulated) of people under 18 years of age. This includes any person who resembles an underage person such as a person with an underdeveloped body or childish appearance.)
  • Rape (both real and simulated)
  • Violent situations or activities
  • Bestiality (sexual acts with an animal) or animal mistreatment
  • Drug / alcohol abuse
  • Any defamatory content, impersonating threatening, harassing, invasive, or forcing of privacy, racist, xenophobic, religious, hateful, discriminatory, misleading, abusive, or deceptive
  • Any images or messages of terrorism
  • Incest (sexual acts between persons who are related by blood) (both simulated and real)
  • Sado-masochism & non-consensual mutilation of a person or body part
  • Bondage presented in sexual context activities.
  • Defecation, hardsports, scat or coprophilia (use of feces in a sexual context)
  • Revealing any personal identifiable third parties.
  • Promoting self-harm